The Shape of Things

A surreal week has provided an opportunity to immerse myself in the studio, much more than usual. A creative activity takes your mind in a different direction for a few hours, and it is so necessary to escape, even for a short moment, as we weather this storm. 

The extra time at my bench has allowed me to develop and play with a new fabrication technique. I am discovering endless possibilities for interesting shape shifting designs and combinations. So many, that I need to decide what to focus on and what to set aside for the future.

While I’ve had failures during this phase, some cool successes were achieved too. Failure is helpful because we learn why something isn’t working, and rather than giving up, it challenges us to figure out a solution. What a profound sense of accomplishment when that happens.

The next exciting step is turning these little sculptures into jewelry. I will share them with you soon, hoping they bring you joy. 

As we forge ahead, my thoughts continue to be with everyone who depends on their small business to pay the bills. I know this too shall pass, and praying that it ends quickly. 

For now, this is the shape of things and we must make the best of it, for when it’s over our strength will propel us forward. 

Stay well my friends.



Rewind Reflect Reimagine

Recently, I had a moment of clarity about my jewelry business and social media presence. It was in a static state and needed a makeover. Realizing this, I decided to take a step back, reflect, regroup and reimagine this multi-faceted venture. A daunting and challenging project. 

My first action was to withdraw from Instagram. It was clear I needed to master this channel, but I knew I couldn’t focus on this task if I was still engaged. I began thinking about the endless images I scrolled through every day. I had to wonder, what causes me stop, look and like an image or post? What possesses me to follow one person or business and not the next? Why would someone stop, like and comment on an image of mine or follow me?  What makes a person want to view my profile and click to my website? And with all the algorithm changes, how do I even get visibility? So many questions to ponder, and I needed expert advice to help answer them. 

With all the offers of free webinars promising to give you hints and tips to generate more likes and followers, I elected to take a few to see what I might learn, and boy I learned a lot! The presenters filled each session with great information and practical ideas to enhance your presence, with the goal of attracting more views, followers, and ultimately sales. I also dove into the feeds of people and businesses I admire, searching for a common thread or that “something” I was lacking in my images and commentary.

The “aha” moment came when I realized my posts had no personality, style, or context. They lacked interest and excitement and I was not present in any of my images. Who was I, other than another person making jewelry? Coming to that conclusion gave me such great relief! I look forward to incorporating what I’ve learned and moving in a new creative direction.

You can follow me @jackiejordanstudio to witness the transformation!

Cheers to a new adventure!
